Lists of sanctions

Financial Intelligence Unit maintains on this website the information on the subjects of sanctions – lists of natural or legal persons or other identifiable entities for which the following are specified:

  • The international sanctions*: restrictions imposed on the subject of sanctions in accordance with international law, adopted by the United Nations or the European Union, or another international organization, and which are directly applicable or implemented in Republic of Kosovo in accordance with Law on International Sanctions and National Sanctions of the Republic of Kosovo or

  • The national sanctions: in accordance with the legislative acts of Republic of Kosovo and international law restrictions are imposed on the subject of sanctions, which have been determined by the Government of Republic of Kosovo following the procedures provided by Law on International Sanctions and National Sanctions of the Republic of Kosovo.

As the sanctions imposed by the United Nations or the European Union should also be applied in cases specified in the Law on International Sanctions and National Sanctions of the Republic of Kosovo, the Financial Intelligence Unit provides links to known sanctions lists of UN/EU states.It should be noted that the sanctions lists maintained on this website do not include information on restrictions on the circulation of goods of strategic importance and other goods, or so-called “sectoral sanctions”. These lists only include information on subject of sanctions against whom financial restrictions have been imposed, i.e., targeted financial sanctions.