On June 28- 29, 2017 in Prishtina was held the workshop “Terrorism financing and money Laundering”. This event was organized by the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program(ICITAP) and the Office for Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT) in Kosovo, within the US Department of Justice, supported by the Finance Intelligence Unit and KP. The workshop addressed the challenges and potential gaps in the domestic legislation, cooperation and capacities of all responsible institutions for regulation, treatment and prosecution of the terrorism financing and money laundering.
The director of FIU-K , Mr. Dardan Nuhiu in his speech said that the institution he represents, has undertaken necessary measures in order to prevent and combat the money laundering and terrorism financing. “The data for 2016 show a year of the results’ progressing. There was a rise of about 40 % of the suspicious transactions’ reports. Global events and recent developments on the international scene have influenced and have been reflected in our country by increasing the vigilance of local institutions. This has also affected the rise of the suspicions transaction reports”, said Nuhiu.
The participants in this workshop were local and international officials from law enforcement institutions and other relevant institutions of the ML/TF area.